An Open Letter To the Tired Moms Everywhere

An Open Letter To the Tired Moms Everywhere

Dear Tired Mom Like Me,

You are incredibly amazing and you’re doing a great job!

You may be sitting in front of your computer scanning through photos of friends posting about their latest vacays and parties. Ah! Sounds so good and yet there you are just like me, wishing and hoping to visit places and be alone even for just a day. Your hands may be full, it doesn’t matter whether you have clingy toddlers, shy preschoolers or rebellious teenagers. We’ve been there once but having children will make you go through it all over again. I guarantee you that crying helps sometimes, oh wait! Maybe most of the time, it is the answer to ease the tough times you are going through and have to go through every single day. It is okay to cry lady; it’s not a sign of weakness. I always thank my tears for washing out my mind clouded with doubts and negative thoughts, they stir my creative juices again making me braver to face the day ahead.

I know you’re tired; maybe you don’t even have time to finish this letter. Let me tell you that I am tired too; in fact I don’t know how to start or end this letter for you. I just wanted to say that I understand where you are coming from and that we are on the same page, (for the most part). You may be down and feeling blue, you may get to a point where you don’t know what to do; you have no one to turn to, no one to talk to or listen to you. I get it everyone’s busy living their own lives and there you are staring blankly at the wall, tired and overwhelmed.

On most days, your schedule probably look like this: prepare breakfast, wash dishes, take care of the baby, do the laundry, do groceries, clean the house, take care of the baby, work, take care of the baby, cook lunch, do errands, take care of the baby, cook dinner and the cycle continues…

What do you have there for yourself? Your coffee gets cold all the time, you never finish a movie, you missed the latest episode of The Walking Dead, wait did you just say it already ended? You look at yourself in the mirror and saw strands of your hair in all the wrong places. You held the same book for months now, your normal sleep pattern is down to 4 hours each day or worse they are usually I-N-T-E-R-R-U-P-T-E-D sleep. At the end of the day, you’re exhausted and just want to crawl up in bed and get a good massage.

Losing your patience and showing your anger doesn’t make you less of a mom. Kids will love you for being you just as you love them for being them.

Don’t worry tired mom, you’ll soon get your life back but you’ll surely miss the days when you have to deal with tantrums, pukes and scattered toys. Children grow up fast with just a blink of an eye; I know that deep inside that tired, weary soul is a tender loving mother who would willingly and undyingly do anything and everything just to keep them safe and secure. You may be the type of mom who just like me would rather miss a concert, skip social events, lack sleep and nurse an aching body at home just to be with your kids.

To me nothing is more special than watching cartoons with my son, play with toys and make learning fun for him, going to coffee shops together even if it means calling his attention from time to time, chasing him around and dragging him to our travels.

After all that’s been said and done, one thing’s for sure—we are tired but happy and fulfilled being a mother and it’s all worth it.

Thank you Lord for the strength you give the mothers everywhere. Proverbs 31.


blessing, family, motherhood

R A I N – K I S S E D

P L U V I O P H I L E – (n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days…

I don’t admit being a pluviophile but today after a million light years away I found myself playing in the rain with my toddler.

We were watching a TV program when rain began to pour down, my son climbed up a chair, looked out of the window and watched the rain shower on the ground. To his delight he shouted “RAIN, RAIN, RAIN!” and looked at his father signaling him to go out with him and play in the rain. Both of them are pluviophiles and would always go out to play every time it rains and I don’t mind that my son is wet as long as he is enjoying his time, it makes me happy too.

My son stepped down from the chair and danced while saying “rain” and we laughed at him for being a comedian! My husband and I just stared at each other and debated who among us two will accompany our son outside of the house.

We both ended up letting him go out and play in the rain alone while watching on the side. Good thing my nanny’s 2 sons arrived, drenched in the rain wearing their school uniforms and played with Paul. Eventually, I gave in to my toddlers request when he said “mommy join”. I had so much fun soaking myself in the rain and splashing water on my feet. It feels good to be a kid again.



baby, blessing, grateful, motherhood, PaulParcs

Not Because…

My Child,

The days are quickly passing by and each day I see you grow more handsome and wiser. Each week you have a new trick to show like clapping your hands, wave it, do ‘align’ and even act like you’re bored. Today I learned that you have something new to offer and it makes me so excited to share it with family and friends. Last January 27, 2015, your 2 lower teeth became visible and mommy cried because you bit me during one of our feedings. I have to turn to Mr. Google for help and found out what I needed to do and you didn’t do it again. February 12, 2015 your 2 upper teeth is beginning to erupt and though I fear you’d bite me again, joy overcame it.

I am starting to regret the first few months I complained of a back pain, lack of sleep, stress and fatigue whilst you do all the opposite. I realized that for 7 long months mommy was able to endure it, all because I love you. Now, I am learning how to take one day at a time with you, enjoying your noise, laughter, cries and a whole lot more just so I can be the first to witness it all. The more I give myself to you, the more I appreciate the things you can do.

Soon enough you will understand all these letters and blogs I am writing and though mommy would rather keep it to myself, someday I know you will find my writings amusing.

  • I chose to breastfed you not because we want to save money but because I want only the best for you.
  • I stopped working not because nobody can take care of you but because I want to be there for you in your formative years.
  • I complained that I’m tired not because you’re giving me a hard time but because mommy’s going through a lot and dealing with hormones is one of them.
  • I cried myself buckets of tears not because I don’t love you but because I can’t say the right words to express my joy but my eyes can.
  • I laughed at you not because you look foolish but because you give me a sense of pride in every milestone and developmental stages you achieved.
  • I run to Mr. Google for help not because I don’t trust my motherly instincts but because I want to be sure I render the best care to you my precious child.

I really have never learned what true and unconditional love is until I had you. Times and seasons may change but my love for you will always remain.

I love you #PaulParcs ♥

mommy and Paul


true love
true love
truly blessed!
truly blessed!
baby, blessing, grateful, motherhood, PaulParcs

Getting Sentimental

You are worth it…

I couldn’t exactly remember when I last had my eyes wet with tears. Today, was an exception, I looked at Paul and realize that he is getting bigger everyday and that in less than 6 months he will turn 1 year old already. How time flies… True, a mother becomes emotional and sentimental when it comes to her child and that’s how I feel right this very moment.

If only I could bring back the time where I first held him, he was fragile, small and like an angel he captured our hearts. Now, he is enjoying his walker and roams around the room like a curious bunny preying on his next ‘mouth’ victim. The sight of him getting giddy when offered food and toys is just a wonder any mom would never ever forget.

3 days ago I rummaged through his old clothes to give to another baby, his onesies, socks and gloves were such a cutie that I couldn’t imagine him being that small before and it made my heart melt with yearning.

I am just glad I made the decision of becoming a WAHM and taking care of him is worth all the effort and sleepless nights. All because I don’t want to miss a single thing while he is growing up. No regrets.

Some people may find me weird but I like it that Paul is clingy towards me, I just love the feeling of being needed by my son, hugged and touched by him. Soon, he will outgrow everything and may forget our bond but surely these are the best memories I am bringing with me in the future.

I should stop now, I can’t help myself but get teary eyed. One day, Paul will read this and may say I’m being too emotional and we could laugh about it all we want.

Thank you dear God for my son.

I love you #PaulParcs 🙂

@6months taken last December 21, 2014


My first Christmas 🙂


Smiling before take off.


Goal setting 2015 with this guy


Paul’s first plane ride…